Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hello Internet!

And thus another blog joins the reams of abandoned and hopeful journals all competing for space in this crazy reality we call the world wide web. I, Collette Jones, and my counterpart, Iris Thorne, shall be informing you of our doings vlogbrothers style. That is,we have no set criteria; we will merely do whatever we wish.The internet is our dumping ground and you are now our unfortunate audience.

Iris and I are both acclaimed band geeks
(she playing flute and myself playing clarinet and bassoon)
and nerds with above-average
intelligence. We are Whovians, Otakus, Sherlockians, Cumber-
and avid gamers
(board gamers, that is.)

We will be peppering you with cosplays, book/movie/t.v. reviews (which will probably end up as no more than rants. But Oh Well.), and anything else that we might think is interestingly nerdy.
Iris and I do not have jobs of the 9-5 variety. As government payed students,we are not free to pursue careers of our choice. This does not hinder our incomes in any way, as we run a craft booths of sorts (or are at least planning to.) You will probably be allowed to see a sampling of what we sell. (Oh joy!) Now I have to remember to photograph when I'm crafting. So. Much. Fun.
Now for more about us. Iris is 6'2" with flawless raven locks and emerald orbs that shine like the moon-err... no. I got her confused with the fanfiction I'm writing. (I actually don't write it... Yet. But if things keep going the way they are I might just. First a blog, then fan fiction. It could happen.) ANYWAY. I'm 5' with curly auburn hair I can do nothing with and legit green eyes I keep hidden behind cat-eye glasses I got from my grandmother. (Hipster or Macklemore? You decide.)

 We both live in the U. S. and enjoy eating fried chicken with koolaid and Spam out of a can. We do not use forks, we use french fries.

 We believe Obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country and the only thing worse would be Hillary Clinton, the Antichrist, taking over.
That this actually exists depresses me.
Just kidding.
 So, y'know, a fascist totalitarian dictatorship would be great.
Mussolini! Yeah... I digress.

Moving on to the more important things in life, MUSIC.
We both listen to music 24/7. In the shower, reading, sleeping,
school, all is fair game for our tunes. Iris is really into punk rock (how American!) and I like folk, acoustic,and also a little punk, but where
my heart truly lies is with synthopop. Specifically, jpop. More specifically,
Vocaloid. (I can see the judgments going on inside your heads now... Some of you are Googling and grimacing, some of you are cheering and becoming obsessed already and some have already clicked away from the page. But others, most of you I should hope, are like, "what? That's cool man. Don't judge.")
Let's see, what else... Iris likes roller coasters, I don't. Once, she tried to take me to an amusement park; I went on one ride then refused to go on any more. I hate balloons (the world's number one globophobe right here), heights, and roller coasters. In that order. Iris hates stupid people, "LOL", and dogs (she really is much more of a cat person.) And despite what she tries to tell herself, she is TERRIBLE at cooking. One time she was making macaroni at my place... but that's a story for another time. We like the color rainbow (and when I say we, I mean I. She stills says that rainbow isn't a real color. She just sticks with purple. TYPICAL.) And we both like food. Edible food. We eat A LOT. Annnnddddd... I can't think of anything else that needs to be said. But before anyone tries to propose because they've found their future geeky soul mate, be forewarned... neither Iris nor I especially care for the Harry Potter books. We've read them, but we did not fall in love. I'm sorry geekdom. We have let you down, but we cannot change how we feel... And that's it. I'm going to continue watching Star Wars now. Tootle-loo!

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